Acupuncture encourages the body to promote natural healing and improve organ function while treating the root cause of the condition. It also promotes the release of serotonin and dopamine (feel good hormones) which is why you feel so good after an acupuncture session.

How does Acupuncture work?

How big are Acupuncture needles?

The side effects of acupuncture are minor. Sometimes you may notice a small bruise at the site of where the needle was inserted.

What are the side effects of Acupuncture?

Everybody heals at a different rate and depending on how long you’ve been suffering with a particular condition, the number of acupuncture treatments will vary.  

However, we do provide a treatment plan after your first visit and can reassess along the way.

How many Acupuncture sessions do I need?

At My Holistic Health, we do not reuse needles. We use surgically sterile, single use, acupuncture needles. These needle packages are opened at your appointment to prevent any risk of cross contamination of any sort. Prior to needle insertion, an alcohol swab will be applied to sterilize your skin beforehand.

Do you reuse the needles?

Patients are encouraged to have eaten during the day before their acupuncture appointment. Also, take note of any changes after each session so it can be reported at the following appointments.

  • Bring any medical documents (X-rays, MRIs, Ultrasound results, blood work or reports from your doctor) at your first visit.

  • Comfortable clothing (T-shirt, tank top, shorts, loose pajama pants)

Is there anything I need to prepare for my Acupuncture appointment?

If your condition is not listed above, feel free to contact us to see whether our services can help you.

What can Acupuncture treat? 

Yes, most extended health plans cover acupuncture services performed by a Registered Acupuncturist or Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner. But we recommend that you check with your health provider in advance to be absolutely sure.

Can I claim under my extended health insurance/Is it covered under my extended health insurance?

Cupping therapy does not hurt. You may feel a slight pulling sensation due to the negative pressure applied with the cups, but majority of the time patients feel calm, relaxed or even fall asleep. You can feel the tension melt away which is great if you carry a lot of stress in certain parts of the body, like your neck or shoulders. If you have concerns of how it may feel, let your acupuncturist know and they can adjust the suction accordingly. 

Does Cupping therapy hurt?

Tuina massage uses a combination of manual therapy techniques that include kneading, pressing, stretching, gliding, rolling, rocking and pulling. Similar to acupuncture, acupressure is done (pressure applied on certain points) on the body as well to balance the internal organs, relieve common ailments and discomfort, while bringing you back to homeostasis and a state of zen.  

How is a Tuina massage different from a regular massage?

Acupuncture needles are extremely fine needles, virtually as fine as a hair. It is so fine that you can fit about 30 acupuncture needles into a hypodermic needle (the needles used to draw blood). That is how tiny an acupuncture needle is in diameter.

Acupuncture needles are extremely thin – virtually as thin as a hair. So the discomfort of an acupuncture needle is minimal. The insertion of the needle can sometimes feel like a small poke(similar to a mosquito bite). Once the needle is inserted, there is no pain. The odd time that you may feel a sensation, let your practitioner know and they can make adjustments to make you feel as comfortable as possible.

Does Acupuncture hurt?

This protocol is a minimum of ten treatments that are scheduled twice a week for five weeks. Then a reassessment would be done to see if further treatment is needed before discussing a good maintenance regimen. Some patients notice a difference after just a few treatments and some will take a little bit longer, depending on their current skin and health status. We can discuss your goals to best put together a plan for you. 

How long does it take to see results for cosmetic acupuncture?

Chinese herbs are safe and very effective. It has been used for over 3000 years. Over 3500 herbs have been well researched and recorded in the Chinese Pharmacopoeia – most of them consisting of plant derivatives. Traditional Chinese use these herbs in their cooking, as medicine, in teas and desserts to obtain the benefits of overall health and wellness. Chinese Herbal Medicine is to be prescribed by a licensed Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner (TCMP) due to their understanding and depth of knowledge in Chinese herbs.  

If you are on any medication(s), let your TCM Practitioner know so they can make sure there are no drug interactions or contraindications with the medication(s) you are on.

Is Chinese herbal medicine safe? What if I’m on medication?